About Black Empowerment and Achievement Movement (BEAM)

Welcome to the Black Empowerment and Achievement Movement (BEAM). It has been said that “you must be the change you would like to see in the world.” (Gandhi); it is with that mindset that BEAM was created. We want to make the world a better place for everyone to live in. In order to do this, it is a requirement to begin with the people who are most targeted and oppressed, black people. As we look around the world, in the present-day, we see many things.
Black people being concentrated into poorly urban design neighborhoods and oppressive conditions within the United States; Black people being raped of their natural resources and forced to live in impoverished conditions in Africa; and Black people experiencing a relatively unique form of neo-imperialism, constitutional monarchy, and being restrained from reaching their true potential within the West Indies (Caribbean.) Elsewhere, you have various concentrations of Black people world-wide, who have to endure racism and oppression in places stretching from Europe to South America to Asia.
Yet even with all these oppressive systems enacted against Black people worldwide, it only serves as testament to our resilience. The type of resilience that allows Africa to have 6 of the 10 fastest growing economies in the world. The type of resilience that gives Black people in the United States of America, a buying power of $1 trillion as of 2013 and forecasted to grow to $1.3 trillion by 2017. The same type of resilience that makes CARICOM countries have a strong Eastern Caribbean Dollar and the fortitude to stand up to European Nations to say "No More!" while demanding Reparations.
Although, these advances can be seen as positive beginnings, more needs to be done in order to fend of the impending 2nd second citizenry/servitude status which our people are sentenced to. There has to be a state of true independence, reconciliation and restitution for black people and others around the globe to prevent this from occurring. We here at BEAM intend to see our dreams of our people being free, self-reliant and experiencing prosperous times come to fruition. Please take a moment to read our Mission, Vision and some of our immediate goals listed below. Also review other portions of the website to stay informed, utilize our various resources and participate in our programs/initiatives. Together we can create a brighter future.
Black people being concentrated into poorly urban design neighborhoods and oppressive conditions within the United States; Black people being raped of their natural resources and forced to live in impoverished conditions in Africa; and Black people experiencing a relatively unique form of neo-imperialism, constitutional monarchy, and being restrained from reaching their true potential within the West Indies (Caribbean.) Elsewhere, you have various concentrations of Black people world-wide, who have to endure racism and oppression in places stretching from Europe to South America to Asia.
Yet even with all these oppressive systems enacted against Black people worldwide, it only serves as testament to our resilience. The type of resilience that allows Africa to have 6 of the 10 fastest growing economies in the world. The type of resilience that gives Black people in the United States of America, a buying power of $1 trillion as of 2013 and forecasted to grow to $1.3 trillion by 2017. The same type of resilience that makes CARICOM countries have a strong Eastern Caribbean Dollar and the fortitude to stand up to European Nations to say "No More!" while demanding Reparations.
Although, these advances can be seen as positive beginnings, more needs to be done in order to fend of the impending 2nd second citizenry/servitude status which our people are sentenced to. There has to be a state of true independence, reconciliation and restitution for black people and others around the globe to prevent this from occurring. We here at BEAM intend to see our dreams of our people being free, self-reliant and experiencing prosperous times come to fruition. Please take a moment to read our Mission, Vision and some of our immediate goals listed below. Also review other portions of the website to stay informed, utilize our various resources and participate in our programs/initiatives. Together we can create a brighter future.
General Goals and Objectives
Our primary object is to ensure that individuals have the educational, social, political and economic ability to engage in their community, in a responsible manner, which will lead to their independence and better quality of life.
1. To facilitate Black owned business in becoming sustainable overtime like their counterparts.
2. To create environments which are conducive to the creation of future black owned businesses.
3. To assist individuals with becoming self-reliant and finding desirable employment opportunities.
4. To address legal, educational, etc. barriers which complicates the process of obtaining access to needed capital.
5. To teach financial literacy and inspire individuals to increase their participation within the financial sector responsibly.
1. To encourage and enable the creation of community gardens and agriculture initiatives to foster healthier lifestyles.
2. To obtain access to adequate healthcare, pro-active treatment and good quality of service for individuals in under-served minority communities.
3. To acquire adequate housing for human beings to live in. The current models for building neighborhoods and infrastructure appear to have a negative impact on individuals’ lives, as well as the environment. Therefore, a new urban design (arcology-style projects) and/or rural living areas must be constructed.
4. To get all food label accurately and appropriately.
5. To foster communication and unity within the community. As well as build and utilize methods of communication such as the media.
1. To foster a learning environment in which individuals are able to be educated appropriately at an international standard. People should be thought financial skills, accurate history and how everything applies to today.
2. We aim to break the chains that created the school to prison pipeline. Young children and teenagers should be prepared to excel in life, not prepared to be imprisoned.
3. To create training, STEM flash courses and mentor ship programs to help the youth.
4. To educate people on the laws, constitutional rights and take actions to ensure they aren’t abused.
5. To fight for financial resources to be allocated towards educating the future leaders of tomorrow.
1. Freedom from oppressive laws, programs and policies which negatively target individuals, especially black people and their neighborhoods. We believe that the world will prosper and become more innovative once unnecessary barriers are removed from suppressing people’s creativity.
2. To ensure that accountability and transparency measures are put in placed in reference to law enforcement.
3. End the “War on Drugs” and legalize marijuana. Demand that drugs are treated as a medical issue and not criminal.
4. To remove all laws, program and policies which systematically target people of the African Diaspora.
5. Sentences for non-violent drug felons should be commuted and they should be set free.
6. Automatic restoration of rights upon leveling the legal system.
7. Push back against private prisons. Profit should never be put above justice.
8. To create an environment of transparency.
9. Individuals should be judged by a jury of their peers from their community. One cannot obtain a fair trial from individuals who view them as second-class citizens.
10. To support the right to bear arms in all communities while responsibly balancing the concerns of individuals with mental disabilities obtaining access to them
1. To facilitate Black owned business in becoming sustainable overtime like their counterparts.
2. To create environments which are conducive to the creation of future black owned businesses.
3. To assist individuals with becoming self-reliant and finding desirable employment opportunities.
4. To address legal, educational, etc. barriers which complicates the process of obtaining access to needed capital.
5. To teach financial literacy and inspire individuals to increase their participation within the financial sector responsibly.
1. To encourage and enable the creation of community gardens and agriculture initiatives to foster healthier lifestyles.
2. To obtain access to adequate healthcare, pro-active treatment and good quality of service for individuals in under-served minority communities.
3. To acquire adequate housing for human beings to live in. The current models for building neighborhoods and infrastructure appear to have a negative impact on individuals’ lives, as well as the environment. Therefore, a new urban design (arcology-style projects) and/or rural living areas must be constructed.
4. To get all food label accurately and appropriately.
5. To foster communication and unity within the community. As well as build and utilize methods of communication such as the media.
1. To foster a learning environment in which individuals are able to be educated appropriately at an international standard. People should be thought financial skills, accurate history and how everything applies to today.
2. We aim to break the chains that created the school to prison pipeline. Young children and teenagers should be prepared to excel in life, not prepared to be imprisoned.
3. To create training, STEM flash courses and mentor ship programs to help the youth.
4. To educate people on the laws, constitutional rights and take actions to ensure they aren’t abused.
5. To fight for financial resources to be allocated towards educating the future leaders of tomorrow.
1. Freedom from oppressive laws, programs and policies which negatively target individuals, especially black people and their neighborhoods. We believe that the world will prosper and become more innovative once unnecessary barriers are removed from suppressing people’s creativity.
2. To ensure that accountability and transparency measures are put in placed in reference to law enforcement.
3. End the “War on Drugs” and legalize marijuana. Demand that drugs are treated as a medical issue and not criminal.
4. To remove all laws, program and policies which systematically target people of the African Diaspora.
5. Sentences for non-violent drug felons should be commuted and they should be set free.
6. Automatic restoration of rights upon leveling the legal system.
7. Push back against private prisons. Profit should never be put above justice.
8. To create an environment of transparency.
9. Individuals should be judged by a jury of their peers from their community. One cannot obtain a fair trial from individuals who view them as second-class citizens.
10. To support the right to bear arms in all communities while responsibly balancing the concerns of individuals with mental disabilities obtaining access to them