Influential Leaders
Over the past decades and centuries, the African Diaspora have experience many ups and downs. We have seen many attacks by outside forces and counteractions with reactionary positive movements. We have seen the lengths at which others would go to kill us and see us not prosper. In contrast to that, we have seen some of the greatest comets rise from the ashes to become the most influential leaders and achieve great strides for us as a people. They have laid the ground work and we have seen what is required for us to succeed and achieve our goals as a people.
They have laid the road map for us to follow, therefore it is essential for us to study and learn about their movement, their merits, their ideologies, their thoughts, there goals, their methods and everything else in between.
In order to do so, we have created the following list of individuals who you may research to obtain a better understanding of the current conditions of black people in the world. Before you can address any issue, it is imperative that you complete the necessary research to be able to address it appropriately.
Angela Davis
Assata Shakur
Bobby Seale
Booker T. Coleman
Booker T. Washington
Clarence 13x
Dick Gregory
Dr. Alim Bey
Dr. Amos Wilson
Dr. Claude Anderson
Dr. Frances Cress Wesling
Dr. John Henrik Clark
Dr. Joy DeGruy
Dr. llaila Afrika
Dr. Sebi
Dr. Umar Johnson
Dr. Yosef Ben Jochanan
Elijah Muhammad
Fred Hampton
George Washington Carver
Huey Newton
James Baldwin
Khalid Mohammad
Kwane Ture
Leo Muhammad
Louis Farrakhan
Malcolm X
Marcus Garvey
Martin Luther King Jr.
Maurice Bishop
Neely Fuller Jr.
Nelson Mandela
Patrice Emery Lumumba
Robert F. Williams
Steve Cokely
Steven Biko
Stokely Carmichael
Thomas Sankara
W.F. Muhammad
W.E.B. DuBois
Recent Suggestions
Blackgang Koll
Bob Marley
Bobby Hemmitt
Bro Denham El
Brother Polight
CT Fletcher
Danny Glover
*Edward Snowden
Ericka Badoo
Fidel Castro
Harry Belafonte
James Brown
J.A. Rogers
King Solomon
Muhammad Ali
Muammar Gaddafi
*Nat Turner
Paul Bogle
Queen Sheba
Queen Hapshetsut
Ramses the Great
Renee Rochelle
Richard Pryor
Robert Bauval
SA Neter
Sam Cooke
Sara Seti
Seti the first
Sevan Bomar
Muhammad Ali
*Shaka Zulu
Sharron Lane
Soledad Brothers
Tariq Nasheed
Tim Wise
Tupac Shakur
*Toussaint L'Ouverture
**It should be noted that the list above is complied with names of individuals who were submitted to us by a poll that we completed on Facebook. We may not agree with all positions stated by all individuals listed but for learning purposes, it is essential to hear their argument.
What do you think? Is there anyone we missed? Let us know below.
They have laid the road map for us to follow, therefore it is essential for us to study and learn about their movement, their merits, their ideologies, their thoughts, there goals, their methods and everything else in between.
In order to do so, we have created the following list of individuals who you may research to obtain a better understanding of the current conditions of black people in the world. Before you can address any issue, it is imperative that you complete the necessary research to be able to address it appropriately.
Angela Davis
Assata Shakur
Bobby Seale
Booker T. Coleman
Booker T. Washington
Clarence 13x
Dick Gregory
Dr. Alim Bey
Dr. Amos Wilson
Dr. Claude Anderson
Dr. Frances Cress Wesling
Dr. John Henrik Clark
Dr. Joy DeGruy
Dr. llaila Afrika
Dr. Sebi
Dr. Umar Johnson
Dr. Yosef Ben Jochanan
Elijah Muhammad
Fred Hampton
George Washington Carver
Huey Newton
James Baldwin
Khalid Mohammad
Kwane Ture
Leo Muhammad
Louis Farrakhan
Malcolm X
Marcus Garvey
Martin Luther King Jr.
Maurice Bishop
Neely Fuller Jr.
Nelson Mandela
Patrice Emery Lumumba
Robert F. Williams
Steve Cokely
Steven Biko
Stokely Carmichael
Thomas Sankara
W.F. Muhammad
W.E.B. DuBois
Recent Suggestions
Blackgang Koll
Bob Marley
Bobby Hemmitt
Bro Denham El
Brother Polight
CT Fletcher
Danny Glover
*Edward Snowden
Ericka Badoo
Fidel Castro
Harry Belafonte
James Brown
J.A. Rogers
King Solomon
Muhammad Ali
Muammar Gaddafi
*Nat Turner
Paul Bogle
Queen Sheba
Queen Hapshetsut
Ramses the Great
Renee Rochelle
Richard Pryor
Robert Bauval
SA Neter
Sam Cooke
Sara Seti
Seti the first
Sevan Bomar
Muhammad Ali
*Shaka Zulu
Sharron Lane
Soledad Brothers
Tariq Nasheed
Tim Wise
Tupac Shakur
*Toussaint L'Ouverture
**It should be noted that the list above is complied with names of individuals who were submitted to us by a poll that we completed on Facebook. We may not agree with all positions stated by all individuals listed but for learning purposes, it is essential to hear their argument.
What do you think? Is there anyone we missed? Let us know below.