Justice or Else - 10-10-15
Injustice. Inequality. Inequity. Imperialism.
All of those power terms, currently represent the realities that encapsulate the lives of individuals, and the current State of Affairs in the United States of America today. These realities aren't just limited to the United States but they stretch across the globe. They stretch across oceans making region after region more volatile than before. From South America to Africa to Europe to Asia, the global family feels the pains which run rampant throughout the world. These types of behavior and fight for power isn't new. Similar to conditions of the past, these conditions and humanity demands that we respond no different than the people before us. The current state of Affairs demands that WE STAND UP and make things right. It demands that WE STAND UP and do what is fair. It demands that WE STAND UP and do what is just. The current conditions demands that we deliver the an ultimatum in the name of humanity. |

As history, humanity and societal conditions have demanded. We have accepted the call. On Saturday, October 10th, 2015. There will be a Justice or Else (20th Anniversary of Million Man March) Rally in Washington, D.C. Demands will be deliver, expectations will be set and thousands, if not millions of people will be in attendance.
While it is important to rally and protest with our voices and feet; it is imperative that we protest with our wallets and purses as well. For that reason, we are recommending that when you come to Washington, D.C., you only shop at Black Owned Businesses or Local Owned Businesses. TRY TO AVOID these Fortune 500 companies.
The most effective way to fight RACISM is with Group Economics.
The most effective way to fight CLASSISM is with Local Economics.
We must show those companies, which don't stand on the side of justice, that they will not benefit from us in general; and especially in a landmark Protest or Rally event which is pursuing JUSTICE.
Black-Owned Hotels in Washington, D.C.
Black-Owned Hotels in Maryland
Black-Owned Restaurants-Bar in Washington, D.C.
Black-Owned Bank in Washington, D.C.
Co-Ops Grocery Stores in Maryland
Comment below and let us know if we missed anything and/or any additional thoughts.
While it is important to rally and protest with our voices and feet; it is imperative that we protest with our wallets and purses as well. For that reason, we are recommending that when you come to Washington, D.C., you only shop at Black Owned Businesses or Local Owned Businesses. TRY TO AVOID these Fortune 500 companies.
The most effective way to fight RACISM is with Group Economics.
The most effective way to fight CLASSISM is with Local Economics.
We must show those companies, which don't stand on the side of justice, that they will not benefit from us in general; and especially in a landmark Protest or Rally event which is pursuing JUSTICE.
Black-Owned Hotels in Washington, D.C.
Black-Owned Hotels in Maryland
Black-Owned Restaurants-Bar in Washington, D.C.
Black-Owned Bank in Washington, D.C.
Co-Ops Grocery Stores in Maryland
Comment below and let us know if we missed anything and/or any additional thoughts.